Certified Prints

Certified Prints

All prints are true authentic copies of the original artwork of Walter Battiss, which are lawfully compliant and reproduced with the full consent of the copyright holder.

We use the highest quality Archival Pigment Ink on 308gsm Acid Free Cotton Rag Paper and pride ourselves on prints of the utmost quality.

All prints are subject to our production lead times as set out below:

Unframed Prints: ~ 2 Business Days

Framed Prints: Up to 2 Weeks (we do strive to get these to you as soon as possible and in special circumstances may be able expedite framing and delivery)

    Please note that we are unable to offer returns, exchanges or refunds on framed or unframed prints (save for situations where your print is damaged or defective in any way). Rest assured that you are covered by our quality guarantee and in the event that your print arrives defective in any way or becomes damaged through regular use we will happily arrange a replacement.